
Οδοιπορικό με τους αντάρτες του Κουρδιστάν

Guerrilla Fighters of Kurdistan from Joey L on Vimeo.
In March of 2015, I set off to the Kurdistan region of Iraq and Syria to begin a new personal project. In the beginning, I thought perhaps it would be a still photography trip only. But just as I left the door, I decided to grab my GoPro kit in case anything interesting happened and I could just film it myself. This is that footage.
00:00 - Intro, Joey departs NYC
01:31 - Preparation in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan
02:15 - PKK Guerrillas in Makhmour
05:41 - Crossing the border into Syria, YPG/J Guerrillas in Rojava
07:19 - Interview with YPJ members
09:07 - Daily life on a YPG/J base and photoshoot
10:13 - Clash in Tel Tamer, dead ISIS fighters
12:38 - Interview with American YPG Fighter “Fat Jack” in Tel Tamer
13:44 - Tel Hamis liberation, guerrillas living in abandoned ISIS base
16:38 - Urban exploration of abandoned ISIS base
20:28 - Overview of humanitarian crisis on Sinjar mountain
23:10 - ISIS suicide VBIED attack inside the besieged city of Sinjar
25:14 - Funeral of YBŞ guerrilla fighter in Sinjar
26:23 - Yezidi refugees and Shingal Resistance Unit
28:37 - Outro and closing thoughts
29:19 - Funeral of British YPG soldier Konstandinos Erik Scurfield
30:38 - Credits
The photography in this video and further writing can be found at:

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