
Αντώνης Κανάκης για τις προληπτικές προσαγωγές: Πιο φασιστικές δηλώσεις από κυβερνητικούς δεν έχω ακούσει

4 σχόλια:

  1. Thought Police

    In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell, the Thought Police (Thinkpol) are the secret police of the superstate Oceania, who discover and punish thoughtcrime, personal and political thoughts unapproved by the Party. The Thinkpol use criminal psychology and omnipresent surveillance (telescreens, microphones, informers) to search for and find, monitor and arrest all citizens of Oceania who would commit thoughtcrime in challenge to the status quo authority of the Party and the regime of Big Brother.

    In the story, the Thought Police conduct false-flag operations (e.g. The Brotherhood) to lure non-conformist members of the Party to expose themselves as politically subversive.

    In Nineteen Eighty-Four

    In the year 1984, the government of Oceania, dominated by the Inner Party, use the Newspeak language to control the speech, actions, and thought of the population, by defining "unapproved thoughts" as thoughtcrime and crimethink; for such actions, the Thinkpol arrest Winston Smith, the protagonist of the story, and Julia, his girlfriend, as enemies of the state. Among the means for maintaining social control, the Thought Police are said by O'Brien, an inner Party member and agent of the Thinkpol, to operate a false flag resistance movement to lure ideologically disloyal members of the Party to identify themselves for arrest.
    The Thinkpol usually do not interfere with the lives of the Proles, the working classes of Oceania, although Thinkpol agents provocateur continually operate amongst them, planting rumours to identify and eliminate any proletarian man or woman who shows intelligence and the capacity for independent thought, which might lead to rebellion against the Party's cultural hegemony.


  2. Τόν ἔχω ἀκούσει τόν Ἀντὠνη Κανάκη σέ αὐτό τό βίντεο, ἀλλά τό βάζω καί τό ξαναβάζω. Θέλω νά τό ἀκούω πάλι καί πάλι!

  3. Τό "στόρυ" ἀπό τήν ταινία Μαϊνοριτυ ρεπόρτ(ἀπό Βικιπέντια"):
    "... In April 2054, Washington, DC's the prototype PreCrime police department stops murderers before they act, reducing the murder rate to zero. Murders are predicted using three mutated humans, called "Precogs", who "previsualize" crimes by receiving visions of the future. Would-be murderers are imprisoned in a benevolent virtual reality. The Federal government is on the verge of adopting the controversial program nation-wide...", κλπ.
    Who "previsualizes" crimes by receiving visions of the future, in the " greek reality version" of this film? Does our Government disposes of " mutated humans" who predict who will commit a crime?
    Beware of the mutated humans!




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