
PM Nechirvan Barzani: United we stand, but divided we fall


“United we stand, but divided we fall”, was the message from Kurdish Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani to more than 600 Kurdish and non-Kurdish scientists and experts participating in the Second World Kurdish Congress 2012 in Erbil.
PM Nechirvan Barzani: United we stand, but divided we fall !

Roni Alasor, Ararat News-Publishing (ANP), 16 October 2012 - Erbil-Kurdistan - The Second World Kurdish Congress 2012 took place from 11 to 15th October in Erbil in the presence of high ranking Kurdish Ministers, officials and over 600 Kurdish and non-Kurdish scientists.
Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani could not attend the event, because of last minute unforeseeable circumstances. But he greeted all the participants in the Congress in a speech read by KRG Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Ali Saeed.

Prime Minister Barzani encouraged the Kurdish Diaspora, regardless of the country where they currently live and the professional area in which they are active, to work together to achieve rights and liberties for all Kurdish people: "One of the oldest and most proven factors of political success is the strength of unity behind a common cause. As the old saying goes, “United we stand, but divided we fall. We must take this ancient but simple truth to heart... Whichever sector and in whatever capacity you choose, please remember that unity must be our foundation if we want to achieve overall success. Personal ambition and private gain must not be allowed to continue driving a wedge of separation between us. Regardless of your area of expertise or your level of success in your field, you can help to spread awareness and build connections within the communities where you work and live".

The Kurdish Prime Minister gave concrete examples how around two (2) millions Diaspora Kurds living abroad can help their homeland:"You can work with our KRG Representatives abroad to promote solidarity amongst the Kurdish communities abroad and to keep our language and culture alive. You can help to form partnerships in the industries and institutions where you work in order to expand our local capacity and build bridges for our people. And finally, you can lead by setting an example of how to build unity and cooperation in working toward our collective goals and encourage others to do the same".

Prime Minister Barzani also relies on the help of the Kurds abroad to protect Kurdish Region rights and to ensure the implementation of the Iraqi Constitution: “We will never again accept a Federal Iraqi Government that does not recognize our rights through including us as active participants in its operations. As our brothers and our natural representatives abroad, you are perfectly situated to support us in this effort. You can help to preserve all of our rights by ensuring that the excesses of the Federal Iraqi Government do not go unnoticed. You can articulate the circumstances and realities of Kurdistan to your friends and colleagues abroad, and you can help build partnerships to expand and improve the strength and effectiveness of our civil society here in Kurdistan”.

The Kurdish Prime Minister informed the Kurdish and foreign guests about some of the big archaeological and restoration projects, on which Kurdistan Region is working now: “We have begun major initiatives to preserve and explore our heritage through cooperative, through projects on significant historical sites, and through beginning to establish museums and cultural centres in areas throughout the Region. From the restoration of the Erbil citadel and the museums in this city, to the ancient stone carvings in Duhok, Shanidar cave, the three tanks marking the limit of Saddam’s advance at Kore, the Red Prison in Slemani, and the Halabja memorial, we are working to ensure that future generations do not forget where we have come from or what it has cost us to get here.

Prime Minister Barzani added that “as part of the ‘birthplace of civilization’, the Kurdistan Region alone has over 3,000 known archaeological sites, several of which will likely soon become UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Many other sites exist just across our borders, and there is no question that this is an area of significance for all of Kurdistan”.

According the Kurdish Prime Minister, Kurdistan Region is now hosting around 2 million annual tourists, and this number has grown by more than 30% for several years in a row.

Kurdish Diaspora can also be helpful in the tourism field by providing additional links to self-funded research teams abroad or organizing professional artefact preservation, museum development or tourism promotion projects.

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