
Xαλέπι: o στρατός ανακατέλαβε πλήρως την Τεχνική Σχολή Αεροπορίας και την Σχολή Οπλισμού

Οι Μονάδες του Συριακού Στρατού με εμπροσθοφυλακή τις Δυνάμεις του Τίγρη ανακατέλαβαν ολοσχερώς την Σχολή Οπλισμού στο ΝΔ Χαλέπι μετά από βίαιες συγκρούσεις με τους τρομοκράτες της Jaish Al-Fatah, σκοτώνοντας κια τραυματίζοντας δεκάδες αντιπάλους.

Στη Βάση πυροβολικού στο Ramouseh στο σύμπλεγμα των στρατιωτικών Ακαδημιών ο στρατός πλέον έχει θέσει υπό τον έλεγχό του μετά από τιτάνιες μάχες που διήρκησαν σχεδόν 1 μήνα  τόσο την Τεχνική Σχολή Αεροπορίας όσο και την Σχολή Οπλισμού και προελαύνει.

Ήδη ανακατέλαβε πάνω από 60%  της  στρατιωτικής βάσης. Υπάρχουν κάποιοι μικροί θήλακες τρομοκρατών στη Σχολή Πυροβολικού.Όπως μεταδίδει το fars o επόμενος στόχος είναι το κεντρικό κτίριο της σχολής πυροβολικού το οποίο αυτή τη στιγμή πλήτεται από στρατό με πυροβολικό και όλμους.
Ο στρατός έχοντας πλέον αυτός την πρωτοβουλία ετοιμάζεται ν΄απωθήσει τους τρομοκράτες πέραν της περιοχής Al-Ramousiyeh και ν΄αποκαταστήσει τις γραμμές ανεφοδιασμού στο Χαλέπι στις δυτ. συνοικίες που ελέγχει ανέφεραν  στρατιωτικές πηγές την Κυριακή.

« O συριακός στρατός  μετά από ώρες non-stop μάχες, ανέκτησε τα περισσότερα από τα κτίρια στο σύμπλεγμα ακαδημιών στη ΝΔ πλευρά της πόλης  του Χαλεπίου και ετοιμάζεται να εισβάλει στα προπύργια της  Jeish al Fatah στο al-Ramousiyeh  » δήλωσαν οι πηγές.

Ο στρατός ελέγχει επίσης πάνω από το 60% του μπλοκ 1070 και την περιοχή της Αλ-Hamdaniyeh», δήλωσαν οι πηγές.

Οι τρομοκράτες της  Jeish al-Fatah κυρίως προερχόμενοι από το  al-Turkistani που υποστηρίζεται από την Τουρκία αποσύρθηκαν από τα κτίρια της ακαδημίας Taslih.Με την απελευθέρωση της  Taslih εκ νεόυ οι γραμμές αναεφοδιασμού τρομοκρατών κόβονται στο al-Ramousiyeh και η πολιορκία τους απολυτοποιείται.fars


Overview of Military Situation in Syria on September 3

Clashes between the Syrian Army and terrorists are ongoing in Damascus and Homs provinces. Turkish tanks have entered al-Ra’i town in northern Aleppo.

Homs province (Photo: FAN / Dmitry Zhavoronkov)

Damascus province
Jaysh al-Islam terrorists attacked positions of the Syrian Army in the area of Al-Rayhan farms in East Ghouta. The attack on the village of Hawsh Nasri was repelled by Syrian troops, who also captured the village of Tal Sawwan in rural Damascus. At the moment, there is no data on casualties.
Meanwhile, terrorists continue to leave the town of Muadamiya in accordance with an agreement, concluded with the Syrian government forces. Reportedly, more than 300 people were evacuated from the town in the past day.

As it was recently reported, the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group has launched a large-scale offensive in the eastern region of Qalamoun Mountains, targeting the Free Syrian Army’s (FSA) defenses from three different axes. The IS captured several sites of the FSA and kill over 20 of their combatants on Saturday morning. Clashes are still ongoing between the two sides, as the IS continues its onslaught.

Aleppo province
It is expected that on Sunday, an agreement will be concluded between Russia and the US, according to which a ceasefire for 48 hours will be announced in Aleppo. The ceasefire would allow access for the UN humanitarian mission. At the moment, an agreement has not yet been reached.
Syrian soldiers and Hezbollah fighters attacked Jaish al-Fatah’s positions in the area of a military school of Aleppo. Terrorists suffered heavy losses.

Turkish tanks have entered al-Ra’i town in northern Aleppo, as the Euphrates Shield’s forces begins push to meet with Jarablus pocket.
Turkish tanks enter al-Ra’i town in northern Aleppo (Photo: twitter.com / sayed_ridha)

The IS said that its terrorists have repelled an attack of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) on Tell Farah, Wahshieh and Tell Sawsyan in north Aleppo countryside.

Homs province
Terrorists of the Islamic State (IS) group attempted to seize orchards in the southern part of the city of Palmyra. Reportedly, terrorists could not break a defense of the Syrian Arab army backed by the Russian Aerospace Forces. It was also reported that Emir Yuzif Sultan, one of the IS commanders, was killed during the Russian airstrike.
The Syrian Army repelled the IS assault towards abandoned battalion base north of the Tayfor airbase in eastern Homs.
At the same time, IS terrorists have recaptured several checkpoints between the settlement of Huwaysis and the al-Shaer gas field. The clashes are still ongoing.

Syrian soldiers in Homs province (Photo: FAN / Dmitry Zhavoronkov)

Deir Ezzor province
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, two woman and three children were killed by airstrikes in the town of Al-Tayyaneh in the east of the province. Reportedly, this area is under control of terrorists. It has not been established, which side is an owner of the aircraft.

Daraa province
According to unnamed sources of the FAN news agency, the 5th Armored Division of the Syrian Army began an offensive against rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the area of the Ibta military base, located to the south-east of the town of Al-Shaykh Maskin. Reportedly, government troops drove militants from the base and established full control over it.

Hama province
Terrorists beheaded two soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army, taking them captive in Hama province. Reportedly, the Jund al-Aqsa and the Jaish al-Izzah, supported by the US, are responsible for the execution.

According to military sources, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes on positions of Jund al-Aqsa terrorists in the areas of the villages Taybat al-Imam, Suran, Halfaya and Morek in Hama province. There is still no information about results of the air operation.
Jund al-Aqsa terrorists used modified drones with explosives against the government forces in the area of the village of Maardis in the north of Hama.

Hama province (Photo: FAN / Dmitry Zhavoronkov)

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