
Το Facebook προσλαμβάνει άλλους 800 προγραμματιστές για τα γραφεία του στο Λονδίνο

Facebook to Hire 800 New Workers in London
By Giles Turner
Facebook Inc. is to hire 800 new staff in London, expanding its U.K. headquarters despite coming under increasing scrutiny from the country’s lawmakers.
The new hires -- predominately in engineering roles and to be recruited over the next year -- will bring the number of staff working for Facebook in the U.K. to 2,300. The social media company will also offer space in its new office to U.K.-based startups as part of an accelerator program, the company said Monday.
Facebook’s expansion comes at a time when Britain is so alarmed by the extent and scale of Russian interference in U.K. politics via social media networks that its lawmakers are getting ready to interrogate Silicon Valley giants -- including Facebook and Twitter Inc. -- in Washington.
Για τη συνέχεια Bloomberg

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