
Soner Cagaptay: Τα αμερικανικά μέτρα χτυπούν την τουρκική οικονομία αλλά δυναμώνουν τον Ερντογαν..

Washington slapped sanctions on two Turkish cabinet ministers on August 1, freezing their assets in response to the arrest of Pastor Andrew Brunson and other U.S. citizens. Meanwhile, the lira has continued its slide, shedding 6% of its value in less than a week.
The big picture: The Turkish economy, already in a fragile state before sanctions, could well melt down. But while the sanctions might cripple Turkey’s economy, they are unlikely to pose a threat to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s power.
Erdogan’s populism has polarized Turkish society since he came to power in 2003, with his support splitting the country roughly in half. However, Erdogan has effectively neutered his opposition, using the national police to crack down on opposition rallies and lock up dissidents, as well as rigging elections to secure electoral victories.
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