
Ο Ερντογάν βομβαρδίζει τους Κούρδους!

- Ο Ερντογάν βομβαρδίζει τους Κούρδους!
-Τώρα διαθέτουμε και Αεροπορία!

Turkey Decides to Hit Kurdish Rebels Instead of ISIS

Airstrikes target the Kurdistan Workers' Party and not the Islamist militants fighting for control of Kobani, a Kurdish city in Syria near the Turkish border

Turkish fighter jets pounded positions held by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in the country’s southeast Monday, according to Turkish media reports, adding to the deadly fallout from the war raging in neighboring Syria and bringing a 2-year-long peace process to the verge of collapse.

Περισσότερα TIME

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