
Κυβερνητική προπαγάνδα στην Κίνα - Η ταξιαρχία των 50 λεπτών

The 50-Cent Party: The PRC’S Paid Internet Trolls

Recent documents leaked by a Chinese blogger named ‘Xiaolan’ have further detailed a state-sponsored internet propaganda program that is sophisticated and comprehensive.
Leaked emails from the Internet Information Office of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi from 2013-2014 show some startling revelations about how the Chinese government has for some time employed upwards of 500,000 internet trolls.
But the leaked emails and their content aren’t a complete revelation. It’s more like further detail on what is already known. For a while now these trolls have been dubbed the ‘50-cent party’ by Chinese netizens.
Για περισσότερα πατήστε  http://www.visiontimes.com/

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