
Δημόσιο Χρέος: Ακούστε την Γερμανίδα Sahra Wagenknecht στην γερμανική βουλή.

Αλέξανδρος Κουτσομητόπουλος
Ακούστε ( διαβάστε σε ελληνικούς υπότιτλους ) την Γερμανίδα "Ζωή Κωνσταντοπούλου", Sahra Wagenknecht. Εκτός των άλλων μιλά και για τον πρώην πρόεδρο της Deutsche Bank Γιόζεφ Άκερμαν , αυτόν που παρασημοφόρησε τον αγνό δημοκράτη μας Γιώργο Παπανδρέου , για την πολιτική του "ειλικρίνεια" ! Με το χρυσοποίκιλτο βραβείο που απεικονίζει το "Τέθριππο Άρμα" ( πάντα σε εφόρμηση σε όλη την Ευρώπη ) , το οποίο βρίσκεται πάνω στην "Πύλη του Βρανδεμβούργου"


1 σχόλιο:

  1. Good points presented fluently in excellent form with clarity and strength. I would like to make a suggestion which I hope this good and highly intelligent person will consider and accept after leaving any fixed ideas of the left about socialism full of ,many many words words. Gone the days of exploitation of workers by their employers. Today, after much struggle, in Europe and beyond we have strong laws and widely accepted civilised attitudes which protect the workers in many many ways. The problem is not there. Today we need jobs, job creation. wealth creation and this is done working together business people, entrepreneurs, investors to create the businesses, the industrial complexes, successful businesses and industries which will create jobs. Thousands and thousands of jobs. Jobs means income for the families, thousands and thousands of families. Clearly the best socialist is the entrepreneur, the determined to succeed business person, the able industrialist, innovator who creates business, industries and jobs which will support thousands of families. We need to get away from the sterile confrontational arguments of left and right and be united in this single well focused aim: Support and encourage the creation of businesses, of industry, technology with innovation, to crate wealth and jobs, i.e. wealth for all. That is the creative, positive way forward. Erase the debts and start creating businesses, industries, wealth and jobs to support families. No more unemployment.
    And no more debt. The taxes from the wealth will support a healthy national budget


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