
Some hilarious reactions to the Irish-Kuwaiti tourist beating Turkish shopkeepers

Σχετική ανάρτηση: Δεκάδες Τούρκοι επιτίθενται σε Ιρλανδό - Αυτό το βίντεο να το μελετήσουν καλά οι Έλληνες
Around fifteen shopkeepers united against the man but, to their surprise, ended up being beaten themselves. The video has become a source of mockery on social media. Here are some of the best responses: 

An Irish-Kuwaiti tourist was declared a hero on social media after being captured on video while beating an army of Turkish shopkeepers. The tourist was attacked with a stick after he accidentally toppled water bottles inside a market’s refrigerator. 

"If this tourist forms a political party, I’m voting for him," wrote @rayquick

"It is funny how the man beats the shopkeepers in piecemeal attacks. He beats them, goes to his hotel to take a rest, and beats them more." 

Shopkeepers in Aksaray, after watching the film “Kill the Irishman.”
How the shopkeepers of Aksaray look after being beaten (Representation). 



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