
Admiral Kuznetsov Battlegroup to Start Active Phase of Operation in Syria in Coming Days – Reports

Local sources expect the intensification of Russia-led military operations in Syria in period between November 10 and November 22. The rumors relates to alleged requests to the Syrian military from the Russian Navy for carrying out flights and firing operations off Syria’s coast.

According to reports, the Russian Navy task force, that includes the nuclear-powered battlecruiser Pyotr Velikiy and heavy aircraft-carrying missile cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, will conduct flights and military strikes on November 10-15 and on November 17-22 in the eastern part of Mediterranean. There are no additional information about the planned operations.

Western experts speculates that the Russian Navy task force will be involved in bombing ‘peaceful protesters’ from al-Qaeda and ISIS across Syria with special attention to the area of Aleppo city. The only reasonable idea in these expert opinions is that actions of the Russian Navy will likely be synchronized with the intensification of anti-terrorist operations on the ground.

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