
Shut-out Greek Unions Complain

Αρθρο του TurkishMaritime

The Greek longshoremen's unions - forbidden on Cosco docks - are complaining about too much work, not enough pay and too many straddle carrier accidents at the Cosco-run pier.
The Greek longshoremen's unions - forbidden on Cosco docks - are complaining about too much work, not enough pay and too many straddle carrier accidents at the Cosco-run pier at the Port of Piraeus near Athens, according to America's National Public Radio (NPR).

"We believe Cosco is importing the Chinese labour model to Greece," says Nick Georgiou, president of the dockers union. "The result is that companies not run by the Chinese are being influenced by what the Chinese are doing in lowering the labour costs and reducing workers' rights."

The unions blame the lack of training for two RTG accidents last year, but Cosco feels complaints arise from its decision not to allow unions on the dock to have collective bargaining among its 500 dockers.

Near Athens, Piraeus is Greece's largest port. Cosco took full control of its container terminals, leasing it for 35 years for US$5 billion, which is reckoned as China's biggest European investment.

"It's very important for the Chinese to enter through Piraeus to the eastern European and Black Sea markets, which are really booming right now," says John Makrydimitris, and otherwise unidentified observer.

The unions says Cosco workers are largely unskilled and working on a temporary basis, with no benefits. Despite union claims about their labour conditions, Cosco workers have not spoken out.

But a sacked Cosco worker told NPR about working conditions, saying he regularly worked eight hours a day with no meal or toilet breaks.

"I think their actions are breaking the law," he said. "The rights are to have something to eat around 12 o'clock [and] to have breaks, and not work like a dog straight [through] from morning till afternoon."

The worker says he was paid EUR50 (US$72) a shift, about half the wages paid at the neighbouring Greek-operated pier, with no extra money for night shifts or weekends. There was no set schedule, he said, adding that he was kept on 24-hour call for nine months.

Labour inspectors told NPR that one Cosco worker's schedule had changed 14 times in one month. During two visits last year - in August and October - the labour inspection department noted four separate labour violations on the Cosco pier.


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