
Chinese doctor builds new nose on man's forehead

A 22-year-old patient, with a surgical made extra nose out of his rib cartilage and implanted under theskin of his foreheand, rests at Fujian Medical Univeristy Union Hospital, in Fuzhou city of East China'sFujian province, Sept 24, 2013. [Photo/CFP]
BEIJING - A surgeon in China says he has constructed an extra nose out of a man's ribcartilage and implanted it under the skin of his forehead to prepare for a transplant in probablythe first operation of its kind.
Surgeon Guo Zhihui at Fujian Medical University Union Hospital in China's southeasternprovince of Fujian spent nine months cultivating the graft for a 22-year-old man whose nosewas damaged.
The striking images of the implant - with the nostril section facing diagonally upward on the leftside of the man's forehead - drew widespread publicity after they began to circulate in Chinesemedia this weekGuo plans to cut the nose from the forehead while leaving a section of skinstill connectedand then rotate and graft it into position in a later operation.
"We were just interested in helping the man and did not expect it would stir up this muchattention," Guo said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press.

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