
Κουρδικές αντιδράσεις για την εκτέλεση των τριών αγωνιστριών στο Παρίσι

 Σημερινή διαδήλωση στο Παρίσι

Tens of thousands protesting the killings in Paris
The massive demo in Paris joined by Kurds from everywhere in Europe
ens of thousands of people gathered at Gare de l’Est’te in Paris on Saturday to condemn the killing of three Kurdish activists Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez in Kurdistan Information Office three days ago.
With intense emotions and strong feelings, Kurds from everywhere in Europe have come together today to state their horror for the murders. Tens of thousands are marching to Colonel Fabien square, carrying the photos of three women who worked for peace and freedom in Kurdistan. 
"Martyrs do not die", "Kurds will not be intimidated", "Fight for freedom cannot be stopped" are among the slogans chanted by thousands in the massive demo which is also supported by Turkish left-wing organizations, representatives of parties from West Kurdistan, French parties and organizations as well as a number of Kurdish politicians and NGOs from Europe.  ANF / PARIS

PKK condemn killings
11 January 2013
The PKK said the killings an attempt to undermine recent talks with Öcalan
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) Executive Committee has released a statement on the killing of three Kurdish activists in Paris on Wednesday.
PKK strongly condemned the execution of  Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Söylemez and said the killings are an attempt to undermine the phase opened by talks between Turkish state and Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.
“The perpetrators of this brutal murder, which was professionally planned by international powers and the Turkish gladio, will never reach their vicious goals”, the statement said and underlined that the killings will not remain without response. PKK repeated its promise to enhance the struggle in memory of the three woman comrades killed in Paris.
"Our three comrades, three honorable members of our free women's movement, were deliberately chosen as a target. - said the statement - The Kurdish women movement of our party will never forget this bloody killing. These killings and provocations will never be able to suppress our freedom movement or our people. The statements and insults by the AKP authorities [who have said killings could be a result of a PKK feud] obviously aim to cover up the perpetrators of this brutal execution and to mislead the public opinion.”
The PKK noted that the French state and government have the responsibility for the disclosure of perpetrators and added “It is not possible for this bloody attack to be carried out in a central place like this without the support of international intelligence services and states. This massacre is the last step of a policy aimed at criminalizing our movement.”
The PKK ended its statement by calling on all patriotic people of Kurdistan, their friends, Kurdish women, the youth of Kurdistan as well as all revolutionary, democrat and socialist circles to enhance the struggle for democracy and freedom in response to the brutal killings of three Kurdish activists.


Killings protested in Toronto

12 January 2013

The execution of three Kurdish women condemned around the world

undreds of Kurds staged a protest demonstration in front of the Turkish Embassy in Toronto on Friday to condemn the execution of Kurdish politicians Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Söylemez.
"Cowardly Paris Assassinations Won't Silence Kurdish Nation's Demand for Freedom and Justice" read the great banner in the demonstration which was organized by Toronto Kurdish Community Center and broadly joined by women and children carrying banners "I am Sakine", "I am Fidan", "I am Leyla".
Speaking here, Kurdish Community Center co-chair Ihsan Kaya called attention to the importance of three Kurdish women to the freedom struggle of Kurdish women and to the historical role Sakine Cansız had in the struggle of the Kurdish movement.
Demonstrators called on the French state to bring the perpetrators to justice and the Canadian government to condemn the killings and to urge the French government to shed light on the killings.

IWA condemn Paris killings

12 January 2013

The International Women's Alliance called for swift delivery of justice for the victims

he International Women’s Alliance (IWA) highly condemns the brutal premeditated murder of three Kurdish women activists yesterday in Paris. SakineCansiz, co-founder of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK); FidanDogan, Kurdistan National Congress representative; and young Kurdish activist LeylaSoylemez, were all shot in the head the early morning of January 10 at the Kurdish Information Center, in Paris, France.
"The three women -the statement says- had been actively and courageously involved in the struggle for peace, freedom, democracy and self-determination of the Kurdish people for years. IWA calls on the government of France to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation into their political assassination, and to ensure the quick delivery of justice to the three victims."
The statement also adds that "For years, the people of Kurdistan have been struggling for liberation and self-determination. The Kurdish people experience denial and violation of their most fundamental rights including the right to speak their own language and their way of life, most especially in Turkey, where they are subjected to political repression and persecution."
"IWA reiterates its support to the Kurdish people and their struggle for peace, freedom, democracy and self-determination and calls on its members and allies to condemn the murder of Cansiz, Dogan and Soylemez, as well as the continued political repression and persecution of the Kurdish people."

KJB calls for national resistance and struggle

12 January 2013

Kurdish Women's Movement declared the coming week as the "Week of National Resistance and Struggle of Kurds"

n a written statement condemning the execution of three Kurdish politicians Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez, Kurdish Women's Movement (KJB-Koma Jinen Blind) Coordination called on all people of Kurdistan to bid farewell to three Kurdish women with a national resistance and struggle worthy of the dignified stance they have displayed throughout their lives. 
KJB declared the coming week as the Week of National Resistance and Struggle and called on all Kurds around the world to enhance struggle everywhere they live in the week. 
The statement added that; "The inhumane execution of our three comrades as a result of international dark plans reveals the persecutor mentality of the closed minded and fascist forces standing against us. Peace means insisting on the struggle and resistance against this mentality now. The Kurdish Women's Movement will not mourn for our three comrades but but welcome the coming week as the week of great National Resistance and Struggle to honor their memory." 

Kışanak: We will not let darkness fall on murderers

12 January 2013

Tens of thousands joining the demo in Paris

peaking at the Paris demonstration in protest against the execution of Kurdish activists Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez, Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) co-chair Gültan Kışanak said in an atmosphere tense with sorrow and pain but also with the determination that "We will not let darkness fall on these horrific murderers".
Everybody should understand this very clearly- said Kişanak- Kurdish people want peace. Kurdish people want freedom. Kurdish people want justice. You have killed three women fighters for peace but you should know we will get justice. We will not let these murders passing without justice. 
“To France we have a clear message. You have to work to get the truth and ensure justice. Who did this horrific crime are those who don't want peace. It is easy to blame a feud and is easy to lie but nobody will believe this lie. The Kurdish women and the Kurdish people will go on as long as it takes to get the murderers and we promise to fight for freedom and peace as long as it take.”
Speaking after, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) co-chair Aysel Tuğluk made an emotionally strong speech her voice broken fighting back the tears. "We will fight to ensure justice for Sakine, Rojbin and Leyla. We have to know that this was an attack to peace and women.” 



12 January 2013
More details emerging on the execution of three Kurdish woman politicians
hree Kurdish women activists, Sakine Cansiz, a co-founder of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party), Fidan Dogan, representative of the KNK (Kurdistan National Congress) in Paris and Kurdish activist Leyla Şaylemez, were found dead with gunshot wounds in the Kurdistan Information Office in Paris early Thursday morning. 
According to the first details of the autopsy report on the bodies of Cansız, Doğan and Şaylemez, three women were hit in the head by more than one bullet. The report put the death of the three Kurdish women between 6 and 7pm on Wednesday 9 January. “One of them was hit by four bullets on the head, and two others were hit by three bullets each”, said a judicial source speaking to French channel TF1. According to report by TF1, 9 bullet casings and three cartridge bullets were found during the examinations started at the scene after the discovery of bodies of three Kurdish activists. The bullets are said to have been fired from a 7.65 mm caliber pistol. The number of pistols used in the bloody attack is expected to become clear after the announcement of a ballistic investigation into the incident.
Speaking to ANF about the execution of three Kurdish woman activists in the Kurdistan Information Office in Paris on Wednesday, two witnesses who first entered the office in the night of 9 January told about what they saw at the scene of the killings. 
A woman witness, who says she had a close friendship with Fidan Doğan (Rojbin), tells the followings; "The last time I spoke to her was in the evening of Tuesday (Jan.8). On Wednesday, I called her again and sent her messages many times between 6 and 7 pm but she wasn't answering my calls or messages. I continued to call her till 8 pm but then I started to worry about her as she would never leave me without news for such a long time."
The witness tells that she therewith started to call Rojbin's friends who however had no news about her either. "Then I started to feel much worried and decided to go to the office [Kurdistan Information Office] to see if she was all right. As I also had a key of the office, I went to the offive with a friend at around 00:15. When we reached there, we saw from outside that the light was still on in one of the rooms of the office, which was an unusual thing as Rojbin would never stay in the office till that time."
The woman tells the followings as to how they tried to get into the office; "We first opened the outside door as we already knew its code.I had the key of the office but there were two doors to be opened, so we rang all the doorbells in the building but nobody opened the door. As we insisted, somebody answered us and asked what we wanted. When we told him that we needed to reach our friends inside the building, he said he would call the police if we didn't leave the building. There was another house with lights on but nobody answered from it either. 
Then a friend called me and said that he couldn't reach Rojbin for some time. He rushed to the office when we told him that we were trying to reach her there, says the witness and continues as follows; 
"When our friend came, we once again rang all the doorbells but again, nodody was answering. Then our friend shouldered the door open and I went up to the first floor and opened the door of the office. What I saw inside was an undescribable savagery, a mass murder."
The second witness among them told the followings as to what they saw in the office; "There were two rooms in the office and the light was on in one of them. The first thing I saw was Sakine's feet. She had died leaning her back on the cupboard. Then I moved forward and saw the face of Rojbin who was lying on her back, blood sheding from her mouth and her eyes closed. Her face seemed frozen. There was a suitcase between them. They were probably killed while preparing their suitcases as several things were still outside the suitcase, on a knee of Sakine who also had a swelling near her eye."
"Then my friend screamed, she was shocked. When I went near her, I saw Leyla (Ronahi) lying face downwards on the floor. Shocked by the scene, we rushed outside where the other friend of us was speaking to a police officer. It was around 01:20 when all these happened within several minutes; we went into the office, saw them and then went out in shock, without knowing what to do." 
The witness remarks that nothing in the office had been touched or moved from its place and notes that "It was obvious that they had been killed in a defenceless way as they seemed to have been shot on the head."
An official from the Kurdish association in Les Mureaux near Paris told that "Rojbin called our association on 8 Jan. evening and told Ronahi that she had arranged a ticket to Germany for her for 13:30 next day. Then Ronahi went from Les Mureaux to Paris at 09:50 and she was met by Rojbin at 11:30 on the 9 Jan. A friend of ours went to the Kurdistan Information Office at 13:30 but nobody answered the door. 
Some other friends of Rojbin said that she hadn't answered their phone calls as of 12:00 on Wednesday. 

BDP co-chairs meet French Interior Minister

12 January 2013
Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan, Leyla Söylemez shot to death on 9 January
eace and Democracy Party (BDP) co-chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Gültan Kışanak who have been in Paris since the execution of three Kurdish woman politicians on 9 January met French Interior Minister Manuel Valls on Friday evening. 
The meeting was also attended by BDP Van deputy Nazmi Gür and BDP European Representative Eyyüp Doru.
Speaking after the meeting, BDP deputy Gür said that the meeting was about the execution of three Kurdish activists. Gür noted that they had asked the French Minister to use every means available to shed light on the killings.
The French Minister who went to the scene of the shootings on Thursday described the killings as "intolerable" and expressed the view that the manner of their deaths was "surely an execution". 


1 σχόλιο:

  1. Ίσως να δολοφονήθηκαν με τον ίδιο τρόπο όπως και ο Θεόφιλος Γεωργιάδης.Δηλαδή οι Τούρκοι να πλήρωσαν αδρά προδότες , Κούρδους Εφιάλτες , να τις δολοφονήσουν .Με τις έρευνες θα αποκαλυφθούν , θα καταδικαστούν και στο τέλος θα έχουν την ίδια τύχη με τον δολοφόνο του Θεόφιλου .



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