
Davutoglu: Turkey says downed jet was not spying on Syria

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkey's foreign minister says a Turkish jet was downed in international airspace after it mistakenly entered Syria, but the plane was not on a spying mission.
Ahmet Davutoglu says the plane entered Syrian airspace on Friday, but quickly left when warned by Turkey.
He says the plane had no "covert mission related to Syria," and it was purely on a training flight to test Turkey's radar capabilities.
Davutoglu says the plane was shot down by Syria in "international airspace" several minutes after it left.

He spoke on state-run TRT television Sunday, two days after the downing of the jet in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Syria on Saturday insisted the shooting down of the plane was "not an attack," and that the plane had violated its airspace.

Turkey says jet shot down in international airspace

Turkey said on Sunday Syria shot down its military aircraft in international waters, without warning and declared it would formally consult with NATO allies on a reaction.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told state broadcaster TRT the plane had been clearly marked as Turkish and said he did not agree with Syria's earlier statement it had not known the plane belonged to Turkey.

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