
Guardian - Η Ευρώπη ζητά εξηγήσεις από την Τουρκία για πώς φεύγουν λαθρομετανάστες με φορτηγά πλοία...

EU wants Turkey’s explanation on smuggling of migrants in cargo ships 
Turkish authorities urged to clarify how traffickers managed to take cargo ships carrying hundreds of migrants out of country

Hundreds of migrants fleeing Syria arrive at Corigliano harbour, Italy, on 2 January. Photograph: Alfonso di Vincenzo/AFP/Getty Images

The European Union wants Turkey to explain how human traffickers could have taken two cargo ships filled with migrants out of the country and towards the EU without the authorities noticing.
Natasha Bertaud, spokeswoman for the European commission, said on Tuesday: “Given what has happened in recent days with the two ships, we wanted to clarify things with the Turkish authorities.”
The cargo ships were picked up in the Mediterranean last week with more than 1,000 migrants aboard, many of them fleeing Syria. The smugglers had locked up the migrants and sent the ships speeding towards the Italian coast with no one at the helm.
Για περισσότερα Guardian

2 σχόλια:

  1. Να σου πω εγω... Τους μαζευει, τους χαρτζιλικωνει και τους στελνει μεσω ελλας. Μεσα σε καθε καραβιά εχουν βαλει και μερικους βρυκολακες (τζιχαντιστες κατα κοσμο). Το αποτελεσμα ειναι οτι όποτε το αποφασισουν τα διποδα της τουρκιάς, κανουν την ευρωπη συρια. Μηπως δεν καταλαβες κατι EU?

  2. Καθήστε καλά μην έρθει η Κατριβάνου και σας μαλώσει...


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