
KONGRA-GEL: “Boycott Turkish goods and tourism”

KONGRA-GEL has called for a boycott against Turkish goods and tourism and said, “With the knowledge that the most important and effective blow in taking down fascism is the economic blow, all conscious circles should participate strongly in the boycott."

KONGRA-GEL Co-presidential Council issued a written statement and called for a boycott against Turkish goods and tourism.
“The most fundamental support for the total war concept enacted by the fascist Turkish state in all parts of Kurdistan to collapse and disband the will of the Kurdish people is Turkey’s economy. The Turkish state is financing this war with all their legal and illegal economic resources.

“To collapse these dirty war policies that aim to destroy the national identity, cultural values and political gains of the Kurdish people, the economic resources of the war must be dried out or damaged. Any efforts to damage the Turkish economy will collapse the policies of war and make the war lobby lose.

“There are two fundamental efforts necessary to collapse the Turkish economy: 1-Any and all Turkish commercial goods should be boycotted, 2-Turkish tourism should be boycotted.

“Anybody who buys Turkish goods and creates revenue for Turkish tourism gives direct support to the Kurdish genocide. Every cent spent is translated into bullets and bombs that target the Kurdish people. Every cent spent serves to uphold the Erdoğan-Bahçeli fascism.
“We are calling on especially our people from Kurdistan and Turkey abroad, as long as this war to collapse the will of the Kurdish people continues, Turkish commercial goods should not enter our homes, we should have no prerogatives that will create revenue for the Turkish economy. It should not be confined to us, we should raise awareness of this in all our circles, we should participate actively in campaigns about this issue.

“Have no doubt, the joint struggle by the Freedom Movement and its international allies in all areas of life to tear down the Erdoğan-Bahçeli fascism will peak in 2018. With the knowledge that the most important and effective blow in taking down fascism is the economic blow, all conscious circles should participate strongly in the boycott campaign.
“Fascism will be defeated, our peoples will prevail. With this motto, everybody should have a part in tearing down fascism by boycotting Turkish commercial goods and tourism, and play an active role in defeating fascism.”

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