
NY Times: U.S. Urges Greece to Reject Russian Energy Project

Amos J. Hochstein, left, a State Department envoy, met with Nikos Kotzia, the foreign minister of Greece, in Athens on Friday.
ATHENS — The United States, wading into the international efforts to shape Greece’s economic and geopolitical orientation, is pushing the leftist government in Athens to resist Russia’s energy overtures.
A State Department envoy in Athens on Friday planned to urge Greece to embrace a Western-backed project that would link Europe to natural gas supplies in Azerbaijan, rather than agree to a gas pipeline project pushed by Moscow.

The dueling sales pitches, reminiscent of a Cold War struggle, come as debt-burdened Greece is desperate for new sources of revenue of the sort that a gas pipeline could bring.
In an interview in Athens on Friday, before meeting with Greek officials, the State Department envoy, Amos J. Hochstein, said that Greece would increase its appeal to Western investors and would help reduce the Europe Union’s dependence on Russian gas supplies if it declined to host gas from a pipeline proposed by the Russian state-controlled energy giant Gazprom.

Timeline: Greek Debt Crisis

Washington’s push against the Russian pipeline project follows a stalemate in negotiations between Greece and its international creditors aimed at unlocking further loans. Even as Greece’s European neighbors are focused on the country’s ability to repay its debts, the United States is intent on addressing Greece’s geopolitical value as a NATO outpost at the southern tip of the Balkans and as an important gateway for energy from Central Asia.
Mr. Hochstein said Moscow’s interests were not aligned with Greece’s financial needs. The Russian pipeline plan, he said in the interview, “is not an economic project” but is “only about politics.”
The geopolitical tug of war over Europe’s energy supply is growing increasingly intense.
The Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, spoke by telephone with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece about the Gazprom pipeline project on Thursday. And Mr. Tsipras’s office has confirmed his country’s readiness to participate in the construction of a Greek pipeline to transfer Russian natural gas from the Greece-Turkey border to Europe.
The Greek foreign minister, Nikos Kotzias, has said that the Greek portion of the Russian-backed project could be worth billions of dollars to his country.
The cozying-up between Moscow and Athens comes as Greece’s coffers are running dry and as it desperately seek new investment. Without new revenue or additional loans, Greece risks defaulting on billions of dollars of foreign debt in coming months. That could force a Greek exit from the euro currency union, and would have unpredictable implications for financial markets in Europe and beyond.
Athens is expected to be able to pay an installment of about 750 million euros, or about $850 million, that is due on Tuesday to the International Monetary Fund. But when eurozone finance ministers meet on Monday in Brussels, there will be urgent questions about how long Greece can manage without fresh funds.

European and international lenders continue to hold back on releasing €7.2 billion in funds from a bailout program, demanding economic overhauls in Greece that the Tsipras government has so far been reluctant to adopt.
Although the Greek news media reported on Friday that Greece and its creditors were edging closer in their negotiations, with a series of tax increases under consideration, the contentious issues of pension and labor overhauls continued to hamper progress. Mr. Tsipras said in Parliament on Friday that he was optimistic that there would be a “happy end” to the talks soon. But he also emphasized that Greece was sticking to its “red lines” of protecting pensions and workers’ rights.
While revenue from a new gas pipeline could be years away, such a project — whether with Russian or Western backing — would have obvious allure for Greece.
The Russian proposal is for a pipeline called Turkish Stream. It is intended to replace an earlier Russian initiative for a pipeline to Europe called South Stream, which Mr. Putin was forced to abandon late last year because of European Union rules that would have made the project unpalatable to Moscow by requiring Gazprom to share the pipeline with other suppliers. The South Stream pipeline, running under the Black Sea, would have brought gas into the European Union through Bulgaria.
Mr. Hochstein, the American envoy, said on Friday that the pipeline he was promoting — called the Southern Gas Corridor project — was farther along in construction. It would involve multiple companies, including the Britain energy giant BP, and countries including Georgia and Turkey, and it would bring together a series of pipeline projects stretching from Azerbaijan to Italy, via Greece.
“It is an excellent project for Greece as it will create a significant amount of jobs,” Mr. Hochstein said.
Mr. Hochstein met on Friday with the Greek energy minister, Panagiotis Lafazanis, and said afterward that there had been a “very essential and honest exchange of views.”

“We want a multilevel and independent energy policy that will be formed exclusively on the basis of our national interest, the interest of the Greek people and, of course, the cooperation and energy security in our region and in Europe,” Mr. Lafazanis said.
Greece’s commitment to the Southern Corridor project could help it attract further investment to develop its offshore gas resources, Mr. Hochstein said, at a time when other Mediterranean nations like Israel and Cyprus have made significant discoveries of natural gas.
The European Commission in Brussels, the executive arm of the European Union, has long accused Moscow of using gas pipelines, including ones not yet built, to exercise control over European energy systems and to partition supplies and keep prices high — especially in Baltic countries like Lithuania with few alternatives for suppliers.
Last month, after years of European Union threats of taking such an action, Margrethe Vestager, the European antitrust chief, charged Gazprom with abusing its dominance in natural gas markets — a move amounting to a direct challenge to the authorities in Moscow.
Ms. Vestager, in making those formal charges, also said that Gazprom might have been leveraging its powerful market position in Bulgaria and Poland by making supplies of gas conditional on those countries’ agreeing to participate in pipeline projects like South Stream to carry Russian gas into Europe.
Gazprom could eventually face a fine exceeding €10 billion. But the larger worry for Gazprom in that case is the prospect of being forced to allow more competition in markets it has long controlled.
Mr. Hochstein said on Friday that Gazprom’s proposed Turkish Stream would be bad for Europe because it would extend Europe’s dependence on Russian gas.

Running a Southern Corridor pipeline through Greece would benefit Europe and would enhance Greece’s longer term goals of diversification and of developing its own energy resources, he said.

7 σχόλια:

  1. Στη μεν Συρία οι νεοταξίτες της Ουάσιγκτον κήρυξαν πόλεμο με τους πληρωμένους τζιχαντιστές για να καταστρέψουν το κράτος και να περάσει χωρίς αντίσταση ο αγωγός του Κατάρ.

    Στην Ελλάδα τι σχεδιάζουν άραγε να κάνουν οι γκάγκστερ για να μην περάσει ο νέος αγωγός ;

    Μήπως απλώς μπορεί να τους κάνει την δουλειά ένας Έλληνας Μπορίσοφ ;

    1. Ίσως, είναι πάντα θέμα χρημάτων και στην Ελλάδα δεν είναι δύσκολο να βρείς το κατάλληλο
      άτομο για αυτή την δουλεία.

    2. Δεν είναι ίδια περίπτωση αυτή της Ελλάδος με της Συρίας...Μην λέμε και ότι θέλουμε...Ίσως η παρομοίωση με την περίπτωση της Βουλγαρίας να είναι σωστότερη, αλλά και πάλι δεν είναι ίδια.

    3. Συνεχίζεις να πέρδεσαι.

    4. Συνεχίζεις να λες την ίδια βλακεία, όταν δεν μπορείς να πεις κάτι άλλο...Εκτίθεσαι και το ξέρεις...

  2. This time I am sure that Russia will support Greece's security by any means necessary.


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