
After the Greek experiment, a sequel in the EU: turning Cyprus into a protectorate!

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 
It seems that the United Nations Secretary General Mr. Guterres does not watch the news. He has not noticed that the forces behind the psychopath President of the United States, symbol par excellence of a deeply sick world – and system – are struggling for the destruction of life on the planet within the next few decades. He did not notice that last April, in a space of only ten days, the US came close to starting two nuclear wars, in Syria and in Korea. He has not been told anything about the wars in the Middle East and the situation of a humanity which, from an overall perspective, finds itself in probably the worst, and certainly the most dangerous, moment in its history.

There is one thing that Mr. Guterres, a veteran of that peerless ensemble of European “Socialists” has in the forefront of his mind, keeping him awake at night. It is not the bombs in Afghanistan, the cholera in Yemen, the situation in Palestine, the famine in Africa. Mr. Guterres is concerned about how he can bring peace to Cyprus, where the hostilities ended in… 1974!
For this purpose he has already travelled to Ankara and now he has urgently summoned the leaders of the Greek and Turkish Cypriot “communities” to New York. Before Mr. Guterres it was Victoria Nuland that was intensely preoccupied with the Cypriot question (she too nearly triggered a nuclear conflict in Ukraine) and also  the Prime Minister of Britain, a country that has contributed in every possible way to the demolition of half the Middle East, who even travelled to Ankara to persuade Erdogan to agree to a Cyprus solution. The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker (during whose watch Greece proceeded serenely on its course towards destruction, Britain left the EU and all of Europe faces the threat of disintegration) also  remembered suddenly that the Cyprus conflict needs urgently to be addressed.
That is how it came about that Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders arranged a meeting with Mr. Guterres tomorrow in New York.
How do they want to solve the Cyprus conflict?
In a revealing interview for the German Press Agency (DPA, 27.1.2017) given by the Greek Foreign Minister Mr. Kotzias, who wrote bulky tomes on the transformation of Greece into a “debt colony” before himself becoming one of the colony’s ministers, outlines with a cogency to which his German readership will feel entitled what exactly the plan is for Cyprus, making it clear beyond any doubt that the purpose of the operation is to transform a second member of the EU (after Greece) into a protectorate of the “axis of naval powers” (USA, Britain, Israel), with some kind of role in the governance of the EU, even if we do not know what that will be and whether the Union will even exist in a few years.

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