
Dershane - Φροντιστήρια στην Τουρκία ακόμα και το καλοκαίρι

from left to right in the dershane canteen: Özden, Onur, Kardelen, Kader

‘At night we have some time for social life’ | Journalist in Turkey, background articles, news and weblog about Turkey and Istanbul: "‘At night we have some time for social life’
Published on: Friday 26 Aug 2011, 10:10 by Fréderike Geerdink in Hoofdartikel,
Go to school during the summer holidays? In Turkey that’s quite normal. Without ‘summer school’ it’s impossible to get a place at a good university.

The bell rings, the break is over. Özden Korkmaz (17) and Onur Vural (18) want to hurry off to class immediately, but reluctantly make time for a picture. ‘Now I really have to go, class is starting’, says Özen then, and off they go. It’s Friday morning, in the middle of the summer holidays. The weather outside is great, but in this private school in Istanbul about fifty pupils have their noses in the books. Seven mornings a week. They are preparing for the national university entrance exam."

'via Blog this'

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