
Οι περιπέτειες της Εκκλησίας του Αγιου Κωνσταντίνου στ' Αλάτσατα της Σμύρνης

Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism promised to find out how mosque turned into church.
ANKARA. - Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism Ertugrul Gunay promised to find out how a mosque was converted into a church after the reconstruction.The Greek church St Konstandinos was built in 1874 in Izmir and was converted into a mosque during the reign of Ataturk.
"I am aware that a part of the religious institution is open for special guests on special days. During my pre-election period I was there and it was used as a mosque. I will find out how it was converted into a church," Turkish minister stated.
St Kostandinos church was converted into a mosque during Ataturk. After the reconstruction it again became a church and brought severe dissatisfaction of the Turks.

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