
Έφτασαν οι Ρώσοι ναυτικοί στη Ταρτούς της Συρίας

Ο επικεφαλής της αντιπροσωπείας του ρωσικού Πολεμικού Ναυτικού σε επίσκεψη στη Ταρτούς επιβεβαιώσε τις στενές διμερείς σχέσεις
7 Ιανουαρίου, 2012 @ 23:40
Ταρτούς / Ο Αρχιπλοίαρχος του ρωσικού Πολεμικού Ναυτικού, Πρόεδρος της στρατιωτικής αντιπροσωπείας που επισκέπτεται σήμερα την πόλη Ταρτούς στην συριακή ακτή, επιβεβαίωσε τις στενές ιστορικές σχέσεις μεταξύ της Ρωσίας και της Συρίας.
 «Η Συρία είναι μια χώρα γνωστή για τον πολιτισμό της, ριζωμένο στην ιστορία ... Είναι η χώρα της ανοχής και της γενναιοδωρίας», είπε, τονίζοντας ότι την σημασία της επίσκεψής του βρίσκεται και ότι θέλει να λάβει γνώση της κουλτούρας και του πολιτισμού του συριακού λαού.
Επισήμανε ότι ο ελλιμενισμός των ρωσικών πλοίων στη Συρία σκοπεύει  να «κλείσει τις απόστασεις μεταξύ των δύο χωρών και να ενισχύσει τις μεταξύ τους φιλικές σχέσεις» και ευχήθηκε  τα καλύτερα για τη Συρία και το λαό της.
Από την πλευρά τους, οι Πλοίαρχοι των ρωσικών πλοίων εξέφρασαν την αλληλεγγύη τους με το συριακό λαό και την ηγεσία του, δηλώνοντας  ότι η Ρωσία είναι φίλη της Συρίας.
Ο κυβερνήτης της Ταρτούς Atef An-Nadaf, υπογράμμισε τη «αξιότιμη» θέση της Ρωσίας προς τη Δαμασκό.
AA & T. Slimani
Το άρθρο αυτό προέρχεται από το Αραβοσυριακό Πρακτορείο Ειδήσεων SANA, Δαμασκός-Συρία: Νέα από τη Συρία  

Le chef de la délégation des forces navales russes en visite à Tartous affirme l'étroitesse des relations bilatérales 

nouvelles locales /
07 Jan 2012 @ 23:40

Tartous / Le colonel de la marine russe, président de la délégation militaire qui visite actuellement la ville de Tartous sur la côte syrienne, a affirmé l'étroitesse des relations historiques entre la Russie et la Syrie.
 "La Syrie est un pays connu par sa civilisation enracinée dans l'histoire…c'est le pays de la tolérance et de la générosité", a-t-il dit, soulignant que l'importance de sa visite réside dans le fait de prendre connaissance de la culture et de la civilisation du peuple syrien.
Il a indiqué que l'accostage des navires russes en Syrie vise à "rapprocher les distances entre les deux pays et à renforcer les relations d'amitié entre eux", souhaitant le bien pour la Syrie et son peuple.
De leur côté, les dirigeants des navires russes ont manifesté leur solidarité avec la Syrie, peuple et direction, affirmant que la Russie est un pays ami de la Syrie.
De son côté, le gouverneur de Tartous, Atef An-Nadaf, a mis en relief la position "honorable" de la Russie à l'égard de Damas.
A.A. & T. Slimani

Cet article provient de L'Agence Arabe Syrienne d'informations: SANA, Damas-Syrie: nouvelles de Syrie

Russian warships expected to arrive in Syria Saturday: report

The Russian warships are scheduled to put in at Russia’s naval maintenance and supply facility in the Syrian port of Tartus. (File photo)
The Russian warships are scheduled to put in at Russia’s naval maintenance and supply facility in the Syrian port of Tartus. (File photo)

Two Russian warships are expected to arrive in Syria on Saturday, the state-run Itar-Tass news agency reported, a visit that will likely be seen as a show of force and a display of support for President Bashar al-Assad’s government.

The destroyer Admiral Chabanenko and the frigate Yaroslav Mudry are scheduled to put in at Russia’s naval maintenance and supply facility in the Syrian port of Tartus, Itar-Tass cited an unnamed representative of the navy’s general staff as saying.

The official said the vessels, part of a group of Russian ships currently in the Mediterranean, were expected to spend several days at the Tartus facility, one of the Russian navy’s few outposts abroad.
Russia has maintained support for the increasingly isolated Assad during a nearly 10-month-old uprising against his rule. The United Nations estimates the government crackdown has killed more than 5,000 people.

Amid global pressure on Assad, analysts say Russia’s stance is rooted in resentment over Libya, reluctance to lose one of its few footholds in the Middle East and a desire to project a firm image in relations with the West in an election season.

Russia joined China in October in blocking passage of a Western-crafted U.N. Security Council resolution that would have condemned Assad’s government for the crackdown, saying that Assad's militant opponents share the blame.

Moscow has also said the measure could have opened the way for Western-style military intervention echoing the NATO air strikes in Libya, where the Kremlin charges that the alliance overstepped the bounds of its Security Council mandate.

Syria has been a major recipient of Russian weapons, accounting for 7 percent of Russia’s total of $10 billion in arms deliveries abroad in 2010, according to the Moscow think- tank CAST.

Russian media had reported in November that the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov would call at Tartus.

Itar-Tass suggested the Admiral Kuznetsov was in the Mediterranean along with the Admiral Chabanenko, the Yarolsav Mudry and other ships, but cited a naval official as saying it would not visit any ports.

Russian navy and Defense Ministry officials could not be reached for comment.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. There have been a number of indications of late that the US is adopting a new and considerably more determined approach to Iran's nuclear program. These include stepped-up pressure on Iran through sanctions without waiting for Russia and China to "come on board," as well as a series of covert actions that are specifically targeting different elements of Iran's nuclear program. The US is suspected of either leading this effort or cooperating with others in executing it.
    Following the release of the November IAEA report on Iran, the US identified Iran's entire financial sector as a jurisdiction of "primary money laundering concern" under the Patriot Act, and expanded sanctions to target Iran's petroleum resources development and its petrochemical industry. On December 31, 2011, Obama signed into law significantly harsher sanctions that target the Central Bank of Iran, although he secured the power to grant 120-day waivers in cases where he believes that US national security is at stake – namely, if relations with Russia and China are at risk due to these states' trade with Iran. There are reports about US efforts to have Saudi Arabia increase its output of oil in order to mitigate the risk of a hike in oil prices that many predict will result from these measures. On the covert operations front, the series of mysterious explosions in Iran over the past few months – at a missile base, near the nuclear facility at Isfahan, and in a steel factory – join the targeted killings of Iranian nuclear scientists and the effects of cyber warfare, carried out via the computer worm Stuxnet.
    Perhaps the strongest indication of the change in tone and approach in the United States is the string of statements over the past weeks from top US officials that place the military option squarely on the table in a more credible manner. These statements depart from previous instances where officials would repeat the mantra that "all options are on the table," but in the same breath undermine that very message with warnings about the dire implications of opening up another military front in the Middle East.
    The recent statements – in terms of both content and frequency – are unprecedented in the framework of close to ten years of international efforts to confront Iran's military ambitions in the nuclear realm. The two most significant statements were one by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in mid-December in an interview with CBS, which was quickly followed by an interview with CNN by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey. In a stark turnaround from remarks he had delivered only weeks earlier, Panetta clarified to CBS in no uncertain terms not only that Iran can assemble a bomb within a year or even less (if they have a hidden facility), but that the US shares the same concern and red line as Israel as far as Iran's developing a nuclear weapon is concerned. If the US gains information that Iran is proceeding with developing weapons, it will take whatever steps are necessary to stop it. Panetta's statement is significant precisely because it reversed his previous reservations about military action, implying that he might have been led to understand that the earlier statement was not in line with the new US approach.


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