
Layla Zana: We Demanded Autonomy, But Today We Believe It’s Not Enough

Last week, Rudaw met with prominent Kurdish politician and MP Layla Zana. Zana was in Munich, Germany to attend a conference about the history of Kurdish migration to Europe. In an interview, Zana discussed the current political situation in Turkey and the Kurdish struggle for self-determination.
Rudaw: In the conference you mentioned the importance of a referendum whereby Kurds can determine their own future. What exactly do you mean by that?
Layla Zana: We mentioned referendum for the Kurds. Why referendum? The Kurds have been demanding independence in the Meddle East for almost a century, but the governments of Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Iraq don’t want anything for the Kurds and they try their best to make sure that Kurds stay under their authority. Sometimes these countries are against each other and you sense that there is no agreement between them. But when it comes to the Kurdish issue they are all united. The Kurds in Syria, Turkey, and Iran are still being oppressed and divided. Fortunately, the Kurds in Iraq have some kind of semi-autonomy. According to the United Nations resolutions self-determination for the nations is also a right for the Kurds.

Περισσότερα Rudaw

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