
Τον έδιωξαν απ΄την Αλ Κάιντα λόγω ...εξοδολογίου

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Moktar Belmoktar, Terrorist, Clashed 

With Al Qaeda Leaders Over Expense Reports

DAKAR, Senegal — After years of trying to discipline him, the leaders of al-Qaida's North African branch sent one final letter to their most difficult employee. In page after scathing page, they described how he didn't answer his phone when they called, failed to turn in his expense reports, ignored meetings and refused time and again to carry out orders.
Most of all, they claimed he had failed to carry out a single spectacular operation, despite the resources at his disposal.
The employee, international terrorist Moktar Belmoktar, responded the way talented employees with bruised egos have in corporations the world over: He quit and formed his own competing group. And within months, he carried out two lethal operations that killed 101 people in all:
one of the largest hostage-takings in history at a BP-operated gas plant in Algeria in January, and simultaneous bombings at a military base and a French uranium mine in Niger just last week.
Περισσότερα Huffington Post

3 σχόλια:

  1. Αποδείξεις;

    Δεν έφερνε τα κεφάλια στον τορβα;

  2. Tα boys από το Αμέρικα, όταν φτιάχναν την Αλ κάιντα τους είχαν πεί για καλό μανατζμεντ, αύξηση του τζίρου, ποιοτικό προιόν και καλό σέρβις. Προφανώς με τον καιρό τους έμεινε η μεθοδολογία και ο "φιλεύσπλαχνος" και σπάταλος καπετάνιος δεν έπιανε τους στόχους.

  3. Ίσως κάνουν περικοπές λόγω κρίσεις, για να μην καταλήξουν κι αυτοί με μνημόνια στο ΔΝΤ.


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